
Master Business and Tech with Our Unique Coaching and Bootcamp Programs

My Tech Academy (MTA) provides a la carté business and technology coaching to help entrepreneurs grow personally and professionally. MTA's team of experts prepare custom coaching plans that are uniquely aligned with each individual's needs and goals. Looking for more support? We even offer one-on-one business bootcamps to accelerate your business launch and growth.

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One-on-One Coaching

Marketing and Sales

$99 per session

  • Market Research

  • Marketing Strategy

  • Branding

  • Content Creation

  • Campaign Strategy

  • Advertising

  • Lead Generation
  • Social Media

  • SEO

  • Email Marketing

  • SMS Marketing

  • Website Development

  • Conversion Rate Optimization

  • Reviews and Testimonials

  • Data Analysis

  • Loyalty Marketing

  • Referral Marketing

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One-on-One Coaching

Business Management

$99 per session

  • LLC Management

  • Types of LLCs

  • Starting and managing LLCs

  • LLC Tax Compliance

  • Sole Proprietorship Management

  • Corporation Management

  • Nonprofit Management

  • Business Documentation

  • Business Formation

  • Business Planning

  • Leadership Development

  • Communication Techniques

  • Growth Strategy

  • Team Building

  • Customer Relations

  • Performance Management

  • Finance Management

  • Project Management

  • Business Ethics

  • Crisis Management

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One-on-One Coaching

Artificial Intelligence

$99 per session

  • Copywriting with AI

  • Design with AI

  • Branding with AI

  • Marketing with AI

  • Chat GPT

  • Claude

  • Bard

  • Bing

  • Dalle

  • Midjourney

  • Prompting AI

  • Training AI

  • Vetting AI Tools

  • Current AI Trends

  • Plugins & Extensions

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One-on-One Coaching


$99 per session

  • Storytelling

  • Campaign Management

  • Prospecting

  • Pitching

  • Pitch Decks

  • Grant Writing

  • Donor Management

  • Financing

  • Documentation

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One-on-One Coaching

Unpublished Author

$149 per session

  • Foundational Writing Skills

  • Storytelling Techniques

  • Writing Process and Discipline

  • Editing and Revising

  • Publishing Pathways

  • Distribution

  • Marketing and Promotion

  • Legal and Ethical Aspects when using AI (Artificial Intelligence)

  • Emotional and Mental Well-being

  • Defining Genre

  • How to present your manuscript to an editor

  • Font size to type your manuscript

  • How to choose an editor (Line editor and a story editor)

  • How to choose a graphic designer

  • How to choose a book designer (the person that designs the book for print-ready)

  • How to obtain your book Credentials (ISBN distributor number, Barcode, Copyright)

  • How to select a book distributor

  • How to price your retail book price

  • How to develop a contract when hiring independent contractors such as: editors, book designers, graphic designer, illustrator, and ghostwriters

  • Select the best printer and printing cost for your book

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One-on-One Coaching

Published Author

$149 per session

  • Developing a Press Release that gets attention

  • Developing articles titles that grab an editor’s attention (For Print Publication)

  • Develop a business plan

  • Develop Social Media Marketing Strategies

  • Teach legal and ethical aspect when using AI (Artificial Intelligence)

  • Advanced Writing Techniques

  • Networking and Collaboration

  • Resources and Tools

  • Book signings

  • Interview Technique

  • Booking Interviews (Talk Shows)

  • Writing Articles

  • Writing Blogs

  • Develop your contract for book consignment (Leaving books at a bookstore and get paid when books sell)

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One-on-One Coaching

Computer Basics

$49 per session

  • How to set up a document set margins and tabs for paragraph indention, and the line spacing you want between each line.

  • How to number the pages on your document.

  • How to center/justify your documents.

  • How to bold, italicize or underline a word or phrase in your text.

  • How to choose the font (type and size.)

  • How to choose the letter style type.

  • How to cut and paste information in a document.

  • How to do a page break, etc.

  • How to spell check your documents.

  • How to save what you are typing.

  • How to give the file you are typing a name.

  • How to create a folder for files.

  • How to send a file to other destinations.

  • How to transfer a file from a Thumb Drive into your My Documents.

  • How to change a file name.

  • How to delete a file.

  • How to empty the Recycle Bin.

  • How to find a file on your computer.

  • How to find a word, phrase,. in a document.

  • How to find a word, name, or phrase in your document and replace it with another word, name, or phrase in every place it’s found in your document.

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One-on-One Coaching

Internet Basics

$49 per session

  • Signing On the Internet

  • Searching the Internet

  • Managing Bookmarks

  • Internet Browser Extensions

  • Connecting to Wifi

  • Checking Internet Speed

  • Downloading and Uploading Files

  • Opening Email

  • Writing & Spell Checking Email

  • Sending & Unsending Email

  • Forwarding Email

  • Downloading Email Files

  • Saving & Organizing Email

  • Managing Trash & Spam Email

  • Managing Email Contacts

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One-on-One Coaching

Video Conferencing

$49 per session

  • Account Creation

  • Installation

  • Joining & Leaving Meetings

  • Audio & Video Settings

  • Chat & Messaging

  • Raising & Lowering Your Hand

  • Screen Sharing

  • Breakout Rooms

  • Recording

  • Settings & Permissions

  • Pro Tips

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